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Stephen’s Secondment Boosts Technology Development

ClearSky’s co-founder and director Professor Stephen Smith was recently awarded a secondment to evaluate the technology for measuring the symptoms of Parkinson’s.

Professor Stephen Smith, Deputy Head of the Department of Electronic Engineering at the University of York, is the University’s academic lead in the Translate partnership – an initiative to enhance and embed medical technology innovation knowhow across the Leeds City Region.

Researchers developing medical technologies can apply for support and funding to gain fresh insights from new environments from Translate.

Stephen says: “I took a secondment [from the University] to evaluate my technology in multiple clinical settings and saw first-hand the use of the system by patients and clinical staff. The secondment also allowed clinical staff to see the potential for the technology for routine assessment of people with Parkinson’s.”

“The secondment opportunity has been great because it’s provided the opportunity to visit a number of hospitals in the UK to participate in a clinical trial to see if statins can slow down the progression of Parkinson’s.”

“The Translate team is also doing great work to encourage the development of innovation skills in universities and in the Leeds city region. It’s great to be involved in some of the initiatives, which will drive that forward.”

In this video Professor Smith explains how he took a secondment.

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