ClearSky Medical Diagnostics is proud to be part of an award-winning team that scooped top prize in the Human-Competitive Awards (Humies) 2018 in Japan.
The Humies Awards recognise work that has not just solved some problem via techniques from evolutionary computation but has produced a solution that is demonstrably human-competitive.
Professor Stephen Smith, Managing Director & Chief Scientific Officer at ClearSky, collected the GOLD Award and a $5,000 prize at this year’s Humies – held at the 2018 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) in Kyoto after presenting to a six-strong panel.
The successful entry featured a paper on the work to develop a wearable home monitoring system for assessing dyskinesia in people with Parkinson’s.
The system – ClearSky’s LID-Monitor – has the potential to significantly reduce the clinical costs of managing Parkinson’s, estimated to be around $12000 per patient in the year following diagnosis. Research demonstrates the ability of the system to reliably detect clinically significant dyskinesia, thus providing the information required by clinicians to adjust a patient’s medication and more effectively manage the troublesome side-effects that currently reduce the quality of life of many patients.
The award-winning paper was co-authored by Professor Stephen Smith alongside ClearSky’s Chief Scientific Advisor Dr Michael Lones from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Dr Stuart Jamieson, our Chief Clinical Advisor, and consultant neurologists Jane E. Alty and Jeremy Cosgrove, nurse specialist Philippa Duggan-Carter and former consultant programmers for ClearSky, Rebecca F. Naylor and Andrew J. Turner.